Season’s Safe Greetings!

Avoid Household Dangers This Holiday 

Happy Holidays! We all love this time of year, but there’s no doubt that schedules and households can become a bit crazy with the festivities and the new faces running around. Whether your home this season is populated by your own kids home from school or a crowd of visiting cousins, make sure that everything is safe and free of danger for a December everyone can enjoy without stress or mess. Here are five important things to look out for - and some handy ways to make sure the little ones stay out of trouble.

1. Ensure floors are ready for small feet (or hands and knees).

This one seems like a no-brainer, but you’d be downright amazed how many stressed-out adults forget to baby-proof the floors before the party starts. Pick up anything that small ones could potentially trip over, and make sure slippery mats and rugs are anchored properly so accidents can’t happen.

2. Keep certain rooms off limits.

When company comes over - particularly when company brings their toddlers and young children - there are no doubt a few rooms you’d rather keep off limits. Whether they’re dangerous for the kids or you just didn’t get around to cleaning them, it’s good to keep certain rooms private. And yes, a simple closed door works for the grown ups - but what about those curious children? Invest in a Wittle Door Knob Safety Cover and small hands won’t be able to open the door to any space you haven’t prepped for the season!

3. Avoid electrical hazards.

We all know that electricity plus small children equals DANGER! But if you’ve been slightly irresponsible about covering up outlets and making sure power strips are out of sight, we won’t tell - we’ll just let you know that this is the perfect time to remedy the situation before holiday parties and dinners begin. Try a Wittle Self Closing Outlet Cover. Unlike the old outlet covers that you have to yank off when it’s time to plug in the tree, these covers are easy to slide open - but snap shut before small hands can play where they shouldn’t.

4. Make sure the cabinets are adults-only.

 Cabinets should be off limits to young children, whether they contain medicine, cleaning products or holiday spirits for your next toast. So make sure only the grown folk can open the cabinets in your house with Wittle Multifunctional Child Safety Locks. As a bonus, these locks are also perfect for toilet lids, trash cans and basically anything you want the tots to stay out of! They even work for cats and dogs.

5. No More Loud Slammed Door or Pinched Fingers.

Parents of young children are probably all too accustomed to doors being slammed. Whether it’s a rowdy game of “run through the house” or an unwelcome temper tantrum, your ears and other guests will thank you for the quiet that ensues with Wittle Finger Pinch Guards. Yes, they prevent both slamming doors AND pinched fingers - not to mention the screams that come afterward - so you can listen to Bing Crosby croon those carols.

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